Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Participate In Google User Experience Research

Now u can share Google its success..

Sign up to participate in a Google user experience research study..
and YES, you would get paid! [$75/hr]

The more information you give Google in the form, the easier it is for them to match you to a suitable study, and the

More likely it is that you'll be invited to participate.

Then take a 5-steps form to identify ur strengths..
and wait for their call..

u can participate using one of the following methods [when Google calls u]:
- At a Google office..
- Remote usability study: from ur computer..
- Field study: Google researcher comes to u..
- Online survey: answer questions on the web or email..

Participate Now

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Send me an email

1 comment:

  1. I just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s an interesting read for everyone.
